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Startup Notes

Business Plan

  • Executive Summary
  • Business Description
  • Market Research & Competitor Analysis
  • Financial Projections
  • Company Structure & Operating Plan
  • Goals, Objectives, & KPIs


  • Create Startup Budget
    • One-time Startup Costs
    • Overhead Costs
    • Labor Costs
  • Dedicated Startup Savings Account
  • Research Available Grants, Startup Services, & Other Resources


  • Structure
  • Name
  • Domain
  • Social Media Handles
  • Trademarks

Financial Accounts

  • Company Bank Account
  • EIN
  • Licenses & Permits
  • Sales Tax Permit


  • Mission, Vision, and Values (MVV) Statements
    • Mission Statement explains what you do and for whom
    • Vision Statement explains the dream for the future (think big)
    • Value Statements are the core principles of the startup
  • Business Plan
  • Marketing Plan
  • Startup Single Pager
  • Pitch Deck
    • Unique Value Proposition + Vision
    • Problem + Pain Points
    • Target Market
    • Solution
    • Business Model
    • Milestones
    • Sales Strategy
    • Team
    • Finials
    • Competition
    • Ask
  • Elevator Pitch & Founder Bios
  • Startup Capability Statement
  • Validation Documents
    • Case Studies
    • White Papers

Content Strategy

  • Articulate your strategic vision, goals, and objectives
  • Define your audience
  • Choose content types and publication venues
  • Develop content ideas and align them with “triggers” in your business plan
  • Create a content calendar
  • Measure Your Results