Dev Idea - Obsidian Plugin - Vault Structure Switcher

Creating a Vault Structure Switcher plugin for is a fantastic idea! This tool would cater to users with diverse organizational preferences, allowing them to adapt their workspace to their current needs or projects seamlessly. Here’s a step-by-step approach to flesh out your idea:

Concept Development

1. Define Structure Types

  • Flat Layout: Minimal use of folders. Notes are primarily organized via tags, backlinks, and MOCs (Maps of Content).
  • PARA Method: Projects, Areas, Resources, Archives. Plus an Inbox for unsorted notes.
  • Custom Structures: Allow users to define and save their own structures, with presets for common workflows (e.g., Zettelkasten, GTD).

2. User Interface and Interaction

  • Easy-to-access switcher: A dropdown or a command palette option to switch between structures.
  • Preview of structure changes: Before applying, show how the change will affect the current organization (number of notes moved, new folders created, etc.).

3. Functionality

  • Dynamic Structure Switching: Safely reorganize notes and folders without losing links or metadata.
  • Tagging and Metadata Update: Adapt tags and metadata to fit the new structure.
  • Backlinks Update: Ensure that backlinks remain valid and are updated to reflect structural changes.

Technical Considerations

  • Data Integrity: Ensure the switching process preserves all notes and links without data loss.
  • Undo Functionality: Allow users to revert to the previous structure if the new one doesn’t meet their needs.
  • Performance: Optimize for performance to handle large vaults efficiently.

Advanced Features

  • Structure Templates: Provide templates for popular organizational methods beyond PARA, like Zettelkasten or GTD.
  • Custom Rules: Allow users to set custom rules for how notes are categorized or moved during the switch.
  • Integration with Other Plugins: Ensure compatibility with popular plugins, enhancing the structural switch according to those plugins’ features.

Prototype Development

  1. Prototype the UI: Start with mockups for the switcher interface and previews.
  2. Develop Basic Switching Logic: Begin with the flat layout and PARA as they are distinct and cover a broad range of users’ needs.
  3. User Testing: Release an MVP to a small group of users for feedback on usability and functionality.

Example Pseudocode

Here’s a simplified pseudocode example of switching to a flat layout:

function switchToFlatLayout(vault):
    folders = getFolders(vault)
    for folder in folders:
        if folder not in ["Templates", "Attachments"]:
            notes = getNotesInFolder(folder)
            for note in notes:
    showMessage("Switched to Flat Layout")
function moveNoteToRoot(note):
    // Moves note to the root, updating paths and backlinks as necessary
function updateLinksAndTags(vault):
    // Updates all notes' links and tags based on the new structure

Next Steps

  • Start with designing the user interface and interactions.
  • Develop a detailed plan for handling data safely during switches.
  • Begin coding with a focus on the core functionality, starting with simpler structures.

This plugin would significantly enhance the flexibility and usability of, catering to both users who thrive in a minimalist setup and those who prefer detailed organizational structures. How does this outline align with your vision?