The following principles have been adopted at No Clocks, LLC to guide our business decisions and actions.
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To encourage the right behaviors, best practices, and teachings for others that want to get involved with open source, No Clocks has identified a number of tenants or principles that we try and use in everything that our Open Source Initiative does, specifically involving our tooling and approaches to engineering.
For example, we encourage developers and collaborative teams to work in the open on GitHub, getting to learn the tools and lingo as well as build the initial courage necessary to breach the inevitable initial imposture syndrome most early developers experience. We also encourage teams to use GitHub to participate in communities.
Eliminate and Simplify
We’d rather remove a complex process to reduce the work our engineers need to do if it is not providing the right return or value.
If we need to ask teams questions about the project they want to release as open source, we focus on what problem we’re trying to solve, and we have been able to eliminate questions that are typically asked, after thinking through the outcomes with stakeholders and advisors.
Looking back over the years, it used to be the case that a number of manual registration systems where engineers would coordinate what open source they use. These were often free-form text fields, and many teams would only take a best-faith effort to share that data.
Today we’ve been able to eliminate many of the registration scenarios by detecting the use of open source in many scenarios across the company, just asking follow-up questions or going through reviews for certain projects when necessary or needing more information.
Eliminating process is not always possible, but if we continually ask questions about the workflows and guidance, and ask the teams using these systems to provide feedback and suggestions, hopefully we’ll test the edges and eliminate where possible.
Note created on 2024-04-01 and last modified on 2024-04-01.
LIST FROM [[No Clocks Principles]] AND -"CHANGELOG" AND -"03-AREAS/Business/Strategy/No Clocks Principles"
(c) No Clocks, LLC | 2024