Website Pre-Launch Checklist

title: ## Contents 
style: nestedList # TOC style (nestedList|inlineFirstLevel)
minLevel: 1 # Include headings from the specified level
maxLevel: 4 # Include headings up to the specified level
includeLinks: true # Make headings clickable
debugInConsole: false # Print debug info in Obsidian console



  1. Ensure that all links and pages are working correctly.
  2. Optimize your website for search engines by using relevant keywords.
  3. Check the website’s speed and optimize its performance.
  4. Review and proofread all content on the website.
  5. Ensure that the website is accessible to users with disabilities.
  6. Test the website on different devices and browsers to ensure compatibility.


flowchart TB
    Checklist("Website Pre-Launch Checklist")

    Checklist --> TestingAndValidation
    TestingAndValidation["Testing and Validation"] --> FunctionalTesting
    TestingAndValidation --> ContentReview

    subgraph FunctionalTesting["Functional Testing"]
        direction TB
        FT_details("Test website across various browsers and devices for compatibility")
        FT_details --> Browsers
        FT_details --> Devices
        Browsers --> Chrome("Google Chrome")
        Browsers --> Edge("Microsoft Edge")
        Browsers --> Firefox("Mozilla Firefox")
        Browsers --> Safari("Apple Safari")
        Devices --> Desktop
        Devices --> Tablet
        Devices --> iOS
        Devices --> Android
        ValidateHTMLCSS("Validate HTML and CSS")
        CheckLinksButtons("Check all links and buttons for functionality")
        UserTesting("Conduct User Testing for Usability Feedback")
        LoadTesting("Perform Load Testing for Traffic Handling")
        ValidateHTMLCSS --> CheckLinksButtons --> UserTesting --> LoadTesting

    subgraph ContentReview["Content Review"]
        direction TB
        Proofread("Proofread all text for spelling and grammatical errors")
        VerifyAccuracy("Verify Accuracy of all content, including contact information")
        ImageQuality("Check image quality and alignment")
        Copyright("Confirm proper attributions and copyright compliance")
        ReviewMeta("Review meta descriptions and title tags")
        Proofread --> VerifyAccuracy --> ImageQuality --> Copyright --> ReviewMeta

    TestingAndValidation --> Optimization
    Optimization["Optimization and Performance"] --> SpeedPerformance
    Optimization --> SEOAnalytics

    subgraph SpeedPerformance["Speed and Performance"]
        direction TB
        OptimizeMedia("Optimize images and media files")
        ImplementCaching("Implement caching for better performance")
        MinifyCSSJS("Minify CSS and JavaScript files")
        ServerResponse("Ensure proper server response times")
        CDN("Set up a Content Delivery Network (CDN) if applicable")
        OptimizeMedia --> ImplementCaching --> MinifyCSSJS --> ServerResponse --> CDN

    subgraph SEOAnalytics["SEO and Analytics"]
        direction TB
        SEOPractices("Ensure SEO best practices like proper URL structure")
        GoogleAnalytics("Verify that Google Analytics or other tracking tools are set up")
        SiteMap("Confirm that the site map is submitted to search engines")
        StructuredData("Implement structured data if applicable")
        OptimizeSEO("Review and optimize on-page SEO elements like headings and alt tags")
        SEOPractices --> GoogleAnalytics --> SiteMap --> StructuredData --> OptimizeSEO

    TestingAndValidation --> Security
    Security["Security and Compliance"] --> SecurityMeasures
    Security --> LegalCompliance

    subgraph SecurityMeasures["Security Measures"]
        direction TB
        SSL("Set up an SSL certificate for HTTPS")
        SecurityProtocols("Implement strong security protocols for admin access")
        MonitorActivities("Monitor for suspicious activities")
        UpdateSecurity("Regularly update security plugins and patches")
        BackupPlan("Establish a backup and recovery plan")
        SSL --> SecurityProtocols --> MonitorActivities --> UpdateSecurity --> BackupPlan

    subgraph LegalCompliance["Legal Compliance"]
        direction TB
        PrivacyLaws("Ensure compliance with privacy laws (e.g., GDPR, CCPA)")
        PrivacyPolicies("Create accessible privacy policies and terms of service")
        CookiesPermissions("Obtain necessary permissions for cookies and user data")
        IndustryRegulations("Verify compliance with industry-specific regulations if applicable")
        Licensing("Confirm proper licensing and attribution for third-party content")
        PrivacyLaws --> PrivacyPolicies --> CookiesPermissions --> IndustryRegulations --> Licensing


  • Testing and Validation
    • Functional Testing
    • Content Review
  • Optimization and Performance
    • Speed and Performance
    • SEO and Analytics
  • Security and Compliance
    • Security Measures
    • Legal Compliance

Testing and Validation

  • Functional Testing
  • Content Review

Functional Testing

  • Test website across various browsers and devices for compatibility:
    • Browsers:
      • Google Chrome
      • Microsoft Edge
      • Mozilla Firefox
      • Apple Safari
    • Devices:
      • Desktop
      • Tablet
      • iOS
      • Android
  • Validate HTML and CSS
  • Check all links and buttons for functionality
  • Conduct User Testing for Usability Feedback
  • Perform Load Testing for Traffic Handling

Content Review

  • Proofread all text for spelling and grammatical errors
  • Verify Accuracy of all content, including contact information
  • Check image quality and alignment
  • Confirm proper attributions and copyright compliance
  • Review meta descriptions and title tags

Optimization and Performance

Speed and Performance

  • Optimize images and media files
  • Implement caching for better performance
  • Minify CSS and JavaScript files
  • Ensure proper server response times
  • Set up a Content Delivery Network (CDN) if applicable

SEO and Analytics

  • Ensure SEO best practices like proper URL structure
  • Verify that Google Analytics or other tracking tools are set up
  • Confirm that the site map is submitted to search engines
  • Implement structured data if applicable
  • Review and optimize on-page SEO elements like headings and alt tags

Security and Compliance

Security Measures

  • Set up an SSL certificate for HTTPS
  • Implement strong security protocols for admin access
  • Monitor for suspicious activities
  • Regularly update security plugins and patches
  • Establish a backup and recovery plan
  • Ensure compliance with privacy laws (e.g., GDPR, CCPA)
  • Create accessible privacy policies and terms of service
  • Obtain necessary permissions for cookies and user data
  • Verify compliance with industry-specific regulations if applicable
  • Confirm proper licensing and attribution for third-party content



Note created on 2024-05-01 and last modified on 2024-05-01.

LIST FROM [[Checklist - Website Pre-Launch]] AND -"CHANGELOG" AND -"04-RESOURCES/Lists/Checklists/Checklist - Website Pre-Launch"

(c) No Clocks, LLC | 2024