Overview of Image File Formats


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This note is about …

Image Types

  • Vector
  • Raster

Vector vs. Raster

When do you use a vector program and when do you use a raster file format?

That depends on what you are creating.

  • Vector:Β If you are designing an illustration with clear contrasts between the elements of the design.
  • Raster:Β For images with blending colors and continuous tones (such as photographs).

  • Going for vector as opposed to raster depends on whether you want to scale or resize images.
  • Raster images are built-up in pixels, which means that when you enlarge an image, you stretch the pixels and lower the quality.
  • Vector images are made-up of points, curves and lines that are defined by mathematical equations. Without going into further detail, it basically means that enlarging an image does not affect the quality.

Image File Formats




Note created on 2024-05-13 and last modified on 2024-05-13.

See Also

LIST FROM [[Overview of Image File Formats]] AND -"CHANGELOG" AND -"00-INBOX/Overview of Image File Formats"

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