Email Deliverability Health Checklist

title: ## Contents 
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Authenticate Email

Sender Policy Framework (SPF) and Domain Keys Identified Mail (DKIM) are baseline requirements for all sending of email. Domain Based Message Authentication Reporting and Conformance (DMARC) and Brand Indicators for Message Identification (BIMI) are additional authentication methods that build trust and further improve inbox placement.

Action Items:


1. Add Flexible DMARC Record
  • Add a Flexible DMARC Record:

This record is specifying a few parameters:

"v=DMARC1; p=none; pct=90;"
  • v - Version: - This is the version of DMARC
  • p - Policy: This is telling the inbox how to process messages that fail DMARC. Options are nonequarantinereject . It’s a best practice to use at least quarantine or reject, but you should only do it once you know your messages are delivering and fully passing DMARC.
  • pct - Percentage: This specifies the percentage of failed messages that the DMARC policy should be applied to. This can be set to a lower number once you move to a quarantine or reject policy to gradually roll out.
  • rua - Reporting URI of Aggregate: This should be a valid address that can receive messages. This can be a different domain than the one you are setting the DMARC policy on, but see step 2 for instructions.
2. Test to Confirm Delivery and Passing
  • Send test emails and make sure they are delivering.
  • Inspect the email headers to find dmarc=pass .
3. Upgrade DMARC Policy
  • Once you feel comfortable with how DMARC is behaving across all your sending, you should upgrade your Policy to quarantine .
  • You can use the pct here to do a gradual rollout.
4. Send Report to a Different Domain (Optional)

If you want to receive the DMARC reports to an address on a different domain, you need to specify in the rua of the sending domain but also add a record in the recipient domain giving access to receive the reports.

Let’s say you are sending with but want to send the reports to

vProtocol versionv=DMARC1
pctPercentage of messages subjected to filteringpct=20
rufReporting URI for forensic
ruaReporting URI of aggregate
pPolicy for organizational domainp=quarantine
spPolicy for subdomains of the ODsp=reject
adkimAlignment mode for DKIMadkim=s
aspfAlignment mode for SPFaspf=r

Setup BIMI

Setting up BIMI to become a verified sender and show your logo from the inbox.

BIMI (or Brand Indicators for Message Identification) is a relatively new standard that allows you to specify a logo (and sometimes a checkmark) to be displayed next to your email in the inbox. This is a great way to increase brand recognition and trust as well as improve engagement.

  • Obtain a registered trademark for your logo
  • Have already setup DMARC
1. Configure DMARC

Just like SPF and DKIM are required for DMARC. DMARC is required for BIMI. This gives the assurance that your emails are properly authenticated and no one else could spoof your domain and send with your logo.

Your DMARC settings much meet a certain strictness to be ready for BIMI.

ParameterPurposeRequired Value
pPolicyp=quarantine or p=reject

Here is an example of an adequate DMARC record:

"v=DMARC1; p=quarantine; pct=100;"

Your emails must also be actively passing DMARC checks. You can check this by looking at the reports sent to you via the rua address. Most reports will be an XML format which can be uploaded to a DMARC XML converter like dmarcian.



  1. Obtain a VMC

MX Records

  • TXT Record with the value pointing to the SMTP domain (i.e.
  • BIMI Compliant

SPF Records

  • TXT Record with the value pointing to the SPF (i.e. v=spf1 ~all)
  • BIMI Compliance

DMARC Records

  • TXT Record with the DMARC Policy (i.e. v=DMARC1; p=quarantine; rua=mailto:...;ruf=mailto:...;fo=1)
  • DMARC policy set to p=quarantine or p=reject and not p=none
  • BIMI Compliance

BIMI Records

Brand Indicators for Message Identification (BIMI) is an email authentication protocol that allows companies to display their brand logo in the email inbox of their recipients. BIMI is designed to increase brand recognition, email deliverability, and email security.

  • Validate that a BIMI DNS TXT Record exists and ensure that it is correctly configured. Check the record against the standard, verifies required configurations, and check that the domain and email authentication protocols (SPF, DKIM, and DMARC are properly configured and authenticated).

VMC Certificate

  • Certificate Exists
  • Brand Visibility
  • Email Authentication


  • Email Aliases
  • Email Routing
  • Google Workspace
  • Gmail
  • Outlook
  • Stripe
  • Mailgun
  • Mailchimp




Note created on 2024-05-02 and last modified on 2024-05-02.

LIST FROM [[Checklist - Email Domain Health]] AND -"CHANGELOG" AND -"04-RESOURCES/Checklists/Checklist - Email Domain Health"

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