title: Contents style: nestedList # TOC style (nestedList|inlineFirstLevel)minLevel: 1 # Include headings from the specified levelmaxLevel: 4 # Include headings up to the specified levelincludeLinks: true # Make headings clickabledebugInConsole: false # Print debug info in Obsidian console
-- create "auth" schema:CREATE SCHEMA IF NOT EXISTS auth AUTHORIZATION postgres;-- create "auth.users" table:DROP TABLE IF EXISTS auth.users;CREATE TABLE auth.users ( id uuid NOT NULL, instance_id uuid NULL, aud varchar(255) NULL, "role" varchar(255) NULL, email varchar(255) NULL, encrypted_password varchar(255) NULL, confirmed_at timestamptz NULL, invited_at timestamptz NULL, confirmation_token varchar(255) NULL, confirmation_sent_at timestamptz NULL, recovery_token varchar(255) NULL, recovery_sent_at timestamptz NULL, email_change_token varchar(255) NULL, email_change varchar(255) NULL, email_change_sent_at timestamptz NULL, last_sign_in_at timestamptz NULL, raw_app_meta_data jsonb NULL, raw_user_meta_data jsonb NULL, is_super_admin bool NULL, created_at timestamptz NULL, updated_at timestamptz NULL, CONSTRAINT users_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id));CREATE INDEX users_instance_id_email_idx ON auth.users USING btree (instance_id, email);CREATE INDEX users_instance_id_idx ON auth.users USING btree (instance_id);-- auth.refresh_tokens definitionCREATE TABLE auth.refresh_tokens ( instance_id uuid NULL, id bigserial NOT NULL, "token" varchar(255) NULL, user_id varchar(255) NULL, revoked bool NULL, created_at timestamptz NULL, updated_at timestamptz NULL, CONSTRAINT refresh_tokens_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id));CREATE INDEX refresh_tokens_instance_id_idx ON auth.refresh_tokens USING btree (instance_id);CREATE INDEX refresh_tokens_instance_id_user_id_idx ON auth.refresh_tokens USING btree (instance_id, user_id);CREATE INDEX refresh_tokens_token_idx ON auth.refresh_tokens USING btree (token);-- auth.instances definitionCREATE TABLE auth.instances ( id uuid NOT NULL, uuid uuid NULL, raw_base_config text NULL, created_at timestamptz NULL, updated_at timestamptz NULL, CONSTRAINT instances_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id));-- auth.audit_log_entries definitionCREATE TABLE auth.audit_log_entries ( instance_id uuid NULL, id uuid NOT NULL, payload json NULL, created_at timestamptz NULL, CONSTRAINT audit_log_entries_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id));CREATE INDEX audit_logs_instance_id_idx ON auth.audit_log_entries USING btree (instance_id);-- auth.schema_migrations definitionCREATE TABLE auth.schema_migrations ( "version" varchar(255) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT schema_migrations_pkey PRIMARY KEY ("version"));INSERT INTO auth.schema_migrations (version)VALUES ('20171026211738'), ('20171026211808'), ('20171026211834'), ('20180103212743'), ('20180108183307'), ('20180119214651'), ('20180125194653');-- Gets the User ID from the request cookiecreate or replace function auth.uid() returns uuid as $$ select nullif(current_setting('request.jwt.claim.sub', true), '')::uuid;$$ language sql stable;-- Gets the User ID from the request cookiecreate or replace function auth.role() returns text as $$ select nullif(current_setting('request.jwt.claim.role', true), '')::text;$$ language sql stable;GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON SCHEMA auth TO postgres;GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA auth TO postgres;GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON ALL SEQUENCES IN SCHEMA auth TO postgres;ALTER USER postgres SET search_path = "auth";