Project Inception Checklist

See Also:

title: Contents 
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This checklist is a guide to help ensure that all the necessary information and resources are in place to start a new project. It is a good idea to go through this checklist with your team and stakeholders to ensure that everyone is on the same page.

How a development project starts sets the tone for the entire effort. Getting the logistical, communication, and project management structures in place can really help kick off a project the right way and spur immediate productivity.

This guidebook is a checklist of items that we find extremely helpful, and sometimes essential, during the beginning of a project.

These are things we always do or at least understand why we aren’t.



graph TB
  subgraph init["Initialization"]
    stakeholders["Curate Comprehensive List of Stakeholders and Contact Details"]
    mailinglist["Create Mailing List for Project Team"]
    contacts["Add Client Contacts to CRM"]
    emailfilter["Create an Email Filter"]
    slackchannel["Create a Slack Channel"]    


  • Onboard Client
  • Draft Project Plan
  • Draft Project GSA Contract
  • Setup Project Design Assets (Project Logo, Client Logos, Fonts, Images, etc.)
  • Setup Project GitHub Code Repository
  • Setup Project Google Drive Shared Project Folder
  • Setup Project Email List (Mailing Group)
  • Setup Project Slack Channel (client-...)

Initialize Project Systems

  • Create a comprehensive list of client stakeholders and their contact information.

  • Create mailing list for the client contacts that forwards email to all members of the project team.

  • Add contacts to company address book tagged with “Client”.

  • Create email filter for the project

  • Create a Slack channel for the client and project.

  • Add all internal team and client stakeholders to the channels.

  • Copy client channel’s email address and add to contacts for easy email forwarding to the slack channel.

  • Create a GitHub Project Board for the project.

  • Integrate GitHub Slack App with the project channel.

  • Share link to project board with client stakeholders.

  • Setup time tracking for the project.

  • Setup invoicing for the project.

  • Create shared calendar

  • Create and setup a dedicated, shared cloud storage folder on Google Drive and share with all team members and client stakeholders.

  • Create and setup a dedicated, private cloud storage folder on Google Drive and share with all (internal) team members.

  • Cloud Storage

  • Files/Folders Structure

  • Client Contacts

  • GitHub Project (Board)

  • Slack Channel

  • Mailing List

  • Time Tracking

  • Project Management

  • Task Management

  • Communication Plan

  • Meetings Schedule

  • Project Kickoff Meeting

  • Spreadsheet with all project details, contacts, roles, etc.

  • Project Charter

  • Shared Calendar

  • GitHub

  • Slack Channel and App Integrations and Canvas

  • Google Drive

  • Google Docs

  • Google Sheets

  • Google Calendar

  • Todoist

  • Project Dedicated Documentation Site via GitHub Pages (<projectName>)

  • CI/CD via GitHub Actions

  • Time Tracking via __________

  • Exception and Error Tracking via __________


Project Management and Communication

  • Set up cloud storage for the project: Google Drive, Dropbox, etc.

  • Create a comprehensive list of client stakeholders and their contact information.

    • Add contacts to company address book tagged with “Client”.
    • Create a mailing list for the client contacts that forwards email to all members of the project team. Clients can simply CC this email address ensuring that communications are never lost.
  • Create a GitHub Project Board for the project.

    • Add all team members to the project board.
    • Share link to project board with client stakeholders.
  • Create a Slack channel for the client and project.

    • Prefix client channel with client-
    • Prefix the project channel name with proj-
    • Add all internal team and client stakeholders to the channels.
    • Copy client channel’s email address and add to contacts for easy email forwarding to the slack channel.



Note created on 2024-04-01 and last modified on 2024-04-01.

LIST FROM [[Checklist - Project Inception]] AND -"CHANGELOG" AND -"03-AREAS/Business/Checklists/Checklist - Project Inception"

(c) No Clocks, LLC | 2024