404 Not Found Error Page TypeScript Example Code


title: Contents 
style: nestedList # TOC style (nestedList|inlineFirstLevel)
minLevel: 1 # Include headings from the specified level
maxLevel: 4 # Include headings up to the specified level
includeLinks: true # Make headings clickable
debugInConsole: false # Print debug info in Obsidian console


Code Snippets

Example 404 Not Found Error Page in TypeScript (src/app/pages/NotFound.tsx):

import { Search } from "@/components/ui/search"
import { Navigation } from "@/components/layout/navigation"
export default function NotFound() {
  return (
      <Navigation />
      <main className="w-full overflow-x-hidden min-h-screen relative pt-16 sm:pt-24 flex justify-center">
        <div className="mt-16 sm:mt-28 lg:mt-40 text-center flex flex-col items-center gap-8">
          <h1 className="font-display text-6xl sm:text-7xl lg:text-8xl text-transparent bg-clip-text bg-gradient-to-br from-red-400 to-red-600">
          <p>This page could not be found.</p>
          <Search />



  • Project uses TailwindCSS
  • Project already has pre-existing search and navigation components

See Also


Note created on 2024-04-15 and last modified on 2024-04-15.

LIST FROM [[TS - 404 Not Found Error Page]] AND -"CHANGELOG" AND -"04-RESOURCES/Code/TypeScript/TS - 404 Not Found Error Page"

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