# cheatsheet.ps1Get-Command # Retrieves a list of all the commands available to PowerShell # (native binaries in $env:PATH + cmdlets / functions from PowerShell modules)Get-Command -Module Microsoft* # Retrieves a list of all the PowerShell commands exported from modules named Microsoft*Get-Command -Name *item # Retrieves a list of all commands (native binaries + PowerShell commands) ending in "item"Get-Help # Get all help topicsGet-Help -Name about_Variables # Get help for a specific about_* topic (aka. man page)Get-Help -Name Get-Command # Get help for a specific PowerShell functionGet-Help -Name Get-Command -Parameter Module # Get help for a specific parameter on a specific command#################################################### Operators###################################################$a = 2 # Basic variable assignment operator$a += 1 # Incremental assignment operator$a -= 1 # Decrement assignment operator$a -eq 0 # Equality comparison operator$a -ne 5 # Not-equal comparison operator$a -gt 2 # Greater than comparison operator$a -lt 3 # Less than comparison operator$FirstName = 'Trevor'$FirstName -like 'T*' # Perform string comparison using the -like operator, which supports the wildcard (*) character. Returns $true$BaconIsYummy = $true$FoodToEat = $BaconIsYummy ? 'bacon' : 'beets' # Sets the $FoodToEat variable to 'bacon' using the ternary operator'Celery' -in @('Bacon', 'Sausage', 'Steak', 'Chicken') # Returns boolean value indicating if left-hand operand exists in right-hand array'Celery' -notin @('Bacon', 'Sausage', 'Steak') # Returns $true, because Celery is not part of the right-hand list5 -is [string] # Is the number 5 a string value? No. Returns $false.5 -is [int32] # Is the number 5 a 32-bit integer? Yes. Returns $true.5 -is [int64] # Is the number 5 a 64-bit integer? No. Returns $false.'Trevor' -is [int64] # Is 'Trevor' a 64-bit integer? No. Returns $false.'Trevor' -isnot [string] # Is 'Trevor' NOT a string? No. Returns $false.'Trevor' -is [string] # Is 'Trevor' a string? Yes. Returns $true.$true -is [bool] # Is $true a boolean value? Yes. Returns $true.$false -is [bool] # Is $false a boolean value? Yes. Returns $true.5 -is [bool] # Is the number 5 a boolean value? No. Returns $false.#################################################### Regular Expressions###################################################'Trevor' -match '^T\w*' # Perform a regular expression match against a string value. # Returns $true and populates $matches variable$matches[0] # Returns 'Trevor', based on the above match@('Trevor', 'Billy', 'Bobby') -match '^B' # Perform a regular expression match against an array of string values. Returns Billy, Bobby$regex = [regex]'(\w{3,8})'$regex.Matches('Trevor Bobby Dillon Joe Jacob').Value # Find multiple matches against a singleton string value.#################################################### Flow Control###################################################if (1 -eq 1) { } # Do something if 1 is equal to 1do { 'hi' } while ($false) # Loop while a condition is true (always executes at least once)while ($false) { 'hi' } # While loops are not guaranteed to run at least oncewhile ($true) { } # Do something indefinitelywhile ($true) { if (1 -eq 1) { break } } # Break out of an infinite while loop conditionallyfor ($i = 0; $i -le 10; $i++) { Write-Host $i } # Iterate using a for..loopforeach ($item in (Get-Process)) { } # Iterate over items in an arrayswitch ('test') { 'test' { 'matched'; break } } # Use the switch statement to perform actions based on conditions. Returns string 'matched'switch -regex (@('Trevor', 'Daniel', 'Bobby')) { # Use the switch statement with regular expressions to match inputs 'o' { $PSItem; break } # NOTE: $PSItem or $_ refers to the "current" item being matched in the array}switch -regex (@('Trevor', 'Daniel', 'Bobby')) { # Switch statement omitting the break statement. Inputs can be matched multiple times, in this scenario. 'e' { $PSItem } 'r' { $PSItem }}#################################################### Variables###################################################$a = 0 # Initialize a variable[int] $a = 'Trevor' # Initialize a variable, with the specified type (throws an exception)[string] $a = 'Trevor' # Initialize a variable, with the specified type (doesn't throw an exception)Get-Command -Name *varia* # Get a list of commands related to variable managementGet-Variable # Get an array of objects, representing the variables in the current and parent scopes Get-Variable | ? { $PSItem.Options -contains 'constant' } # Get variables with the "Constant" option setGet-Variable | ? { $PSItem.Options -contains 'readonly' } # Get variables with the "ReadOnly" option setNew-Variable -Name FirstName -Value TrevorNew-Variable FirstName -Value Trevor -Option Constant # Create a constant variable, that can only be removed by restarting PowerShellNew-Variable FirstName -Value Trevor -Option ReadOnly # Create a variable that can only be removed by specifying the -Force parameter on Remove-VariableRemove-Variable -Name firstname # Remove a variable, with the specified nameRemove-Variable -Name firstname -Force # Remove a variable, with the specified name, that has the "ReadOnly" option set#################################################### Functions###################################################function add ($a, $b) { $a + $b } # A basic PowerShell functionfunction Do-Something { # A PowerShell Advanced Function, with all three blocks declared: BEGIN, PROCESS, END [CmdletBinding]()] param () begin { } process { } end { }}#################################################### Working with Modules###################################################Get-Command -Name *module* -Module mic*core # Which commands can I use to work with modules?Get-Module -ListAvailable # Show me all of the modules installed on my system (controlled by $env:PSModulePath)Get-Module # Show me all of the modules imported into the current session$PSModuleAutoLoadingPreference = 0 # Disable auto-loading of installed PowerShell modules, when a command is invokedImport-Module -Name NameIT # Explicitly import a module, from the specified filesystem path or name (must be present in $env:PSModulePath)Remove-Module -Name NameIT # Remove a module from the scope of the current PowerShell sessionNew-ModuleManifest # Helper function to create a new module manifest. You can create it by hand instead.New-Module -Name trevor -ScriptBlock { # Create an in-memory PowerShell module (advanced users) function Add($a,$b) { $a + $b } }New-Module -Name trevor -ScriptBlock { # Create an in-memory PowerShell module, and make it visible to Get-Module (advanced users) function Add($a,$b) { $a + $b } } | Import-Module#################################################### Module Management###################################################Get-Command -Module PowerShellGet # Explore commands to manage PowerShell modulesFind-Module -Tag cloud # Find modules in the PowerShell Gallery with a "cloud" tagFind-Module -Name ps* # Find modules in the PowerShell Gallery whose name starts with "PS"Install-Module -Name NameIT -Scope CurrentUser -Force # Install a module to your personal directory (non-admin)Install-Module -Name NameIT -Force # Install a module to your personal directory (admin / root)Install-Module -Name NameIT -RequiredVersion 1.9.0 # Install a specific version of a moduleUninstall-Module -Name NameIT # Uninstall module called "NameIT", only if it was installed via Install-ModuleRegister-PSRepository -Name <repo> -SourceLocation <uri> # Configure a private PowerShell module registryUnregister-PSRepository -Name <repo> # Deregister a PowerShell Repository#################################################### Filesystem###################################################New-Item -Path c:\test -ItemType Directory # Create a directorymkdir c:\test2 # Create a directory (short-hand)New-Item -Path c:\test\myrecipes.txt # Create an empty fileSet-Content -Path c:\test.txt -Value '' # Create an empty file[System.IO.File]::WriteAllText('testing.txt', '') # Create an empty file using .NET Base Class LibraryRemove-Item -Path testing.txt # Delete a file[System.IO.File]::Delete('testing.txt') # Delete a file using .NET Base Class Library#################################################### Hashtables (Dictionary)###################################################$Person = @{ FirstName = 'Trevor' LastName = 'Sullivan' Likes = @( 'Bacon', 'Beer', 'Software' )} # Create a PowerShell HashTable$Person.FirstName # Retrieve an item from a HashTable$Person.Likes[-1] # Returns the last item in the "Likes" array, in the $Person HashTable (software)$Person.Age = 50 # Add a new property to a HashTable#################################################### Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) (Windows only)###################################################Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_BIOS # Retrieve BIOS informationGet-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_DiskDrive # Retrieve information about locally connected physical disk devicesGet-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_PhysicalMemory # Retrieve information about install physical memory (RAM)Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_NetworkAdapter # Retrieve information about installed network adapters (physical + virtual)Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_VideoController # Retrieve information about installed graphics / video card (GPU)Get-CimClass -Namespace root\cimv2 # Explore the various WMI classes available in the root\cimv2 namespaceGet-CimInstance -Namespace root -ClassName __NAMESPACE # Explore the child WMI namespaces underneath the root\cimv2 namespace#################################################### Asynchronous Event Registration####################################################### Register for filesystem events$Watcher = [System.IO.FileSystemWatcher]::new('c:\tmp')Register-ObjectEvent -InputObject $Watcher -EventName Created -Action { Write-Host -Object 'New file created!!!'} #### Perform a task on a timer (ie. every 5000 milliseconds)$Timer = [System.Timers.Timer]::new(5000)Register-ObjectEvent -InputObject $Timer -EventName Elapsed -Action { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Blue -Object 'Timer elapsed! Doing some work.'}$Timer.Start()#################################################### PowerShell Drives (PSDrives)###################################################Get-PSDrive # List all the PSDrives on the systemNew-PSDrive -Name videos -PSProvider Filesystem -Root x:\data\content\videos # Create a new PSDrive that points to a filesystem locationNew-PSDrive -Name h -PSProvider FileSystem -Root '\\storage\h$\data' -Persist # Create a persistent mount on a drive letter, visible in Windows ExplorerSet-Location -Path videos: # Switch into PSDrive contextRemove-PSDrive -Name xyz # Delete a PSDrive#################################################### Data Management###################################################Get-Process | Group-Object -Property Name # Group objects by property nameGet-Process | Sort-Object -Property Id # Sort objects by a given property nameGet-Process | Where-Object -FilterScript { $PSItem.Name -match '^c' } # Filter objects based on a property matching a valuegps | where Name -match '^c' # Abbreviated form of the previous statement#################################################### PowerShell Classes###################################################class Person { [string] $FirstName # Define a class property as a string [string] $LastName = 'Sullivan' # Define a class property with a default value [int] $Age # Define a class property as an integer Person() { # Add a default constructor (no input parameters) for a class } Person([string] $FirstName) { # Define a class constructor with a single string parameter $this.FirstName = $FirstName } [string] FullName() { return '{0} {1}' -f $this.FirstName, $this.LastName }}$Person01 = [Person]::new() # Instantiate a new Person object.$Person01.FirstName = 'Trevor' # Set the FirstName property on the Person object.$Person01.FullName() # Call the FullName() method on the Person object. Returns 'Trevor Sullivan'class Server { # Define a "Server" class, to manage remote servers. Customize this based on your needs. [string] $Name [System.Net.IPAddress] $IPAddress # Define a class property as an IPaddress object [string] $SSHKey = "$HOME/.ssh/id_rsa" # Set the path to the private key used to authenticate to the server [string] $Username # Set the username to login to the remote server with RunCommand([string] $Command) { # Define a method to call a command on the remote server, via SSH ssh -i $this.SSHKey $this.Username@$this.Name $this.Command }}$Server01 = [Server]::new() # Instantiate the Server class as a new object$Server01.Name = 'webserver01.local' # Set the "name" of the remote server$Server01.Username = 'root' # Set the username property of the "Server" object$Server01.RunCommand("hostname") # Run a command on the remote server#################################################### REST APIs###################################################$Params = @{ Uri = 'https://api.github.com/events' Method = 'Get'}Invoke-RestMethod @Params # Call a REST API, using the HTTP GET method