Core Entities

Full List of Ideas:

  • Contacts
  • People
  • Companies
  • Organizations
  • Tools
  • Clients
  • Interactions
  • Products
  • Services
  • Offerings
  • Leads
  • Opportunities
  • Accounts
  • Sales
  • Payments
  • Transactions
  • Documents
  • Proposals
  • Invoices
  • Quotes
  • Proposals
  • Contracts
  • Statement of Work
  • Roadmaps
  • Project Support
  • Images
  • Brand Assets
  • Campaigns

Must Have

  • Contacts (People, Companies, or Internal): Central to any CRM, the Contact entity includes basic contact details with links to interactions, accounts, and transactions.
  • Clients and Companies: For managing client-company relationships, tracking which contacts are associated with which clients or companies.
  • Partners and Affiliates
  • Interactions Track all forms of interaction and communication and notes (Meetings, Emails, Calls, Texts, etc.)
  • Opportunities and Leads: For sales tracking from potential lead through to opportunity development.
  • Products & Services: Essential for linking what you offer to sales opportunities, proposals, and transactions.
  • Documents (Quotes, Invoices, Contracts, Proposals, etc.): Necessary for handling sales documents directly linked to transactions and client communications

Could Have

  • Offerings, Proposals: - More detailed breakdowns of potential sales or service contracts.
  • Account: To manage detailed account information and financial transactions.
  • Campaign: For marketing efforts and analysis.


  • Images, Brand Assets: Useful for marketing but not essential for a minimal viable product.
  • Statement of Work, Roadmap: Important for project management but can be integrated later.