
title: Contents 
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Chainlit is an open-source Python package to build production ready Conversational AI.


  1. Build fast:Ā Integrate seamlessly with an existing code base or start from scratch in minutes

  2. Copilot:Ā Embed your chainlit app as a Software Copilot

  3. Data persistence:Ā Collect, monitor and analyze data from your users

  4. Visualize multi-steps reasoning:Ā Understand the intermediary steps that produced an output at a glance

  5. Iterate on prompts:Ā Deep dive into prompts in the Prompt Playground to understand where things went wrong and iterate


Custom Frontend

Chainlit comes with a ChatGPT like Frontend Design|frontend that you can use out of the box. However, you can also build your own frontend and use Chainlit as a backend.

See Chainlit - Custom React Frontend on GitHub.


pip install chainlit
chainlit hello


  1. Create Create a new Python file namedĀ app.pyĀ in your project directory. This file will contain the main logic for your LLM application.
  1. Write Application Logic: InĀ, import the Chainlit package and define a function that will handle incoming messages from the chatbot UI. Decorate the function with theĀ @cl.on_messageĀ decorator to ensure it gets called whenever a user inputs a message.

Hereā€™s the basic structure of the script:

import chainlit as cl
async def main(message: cl.Message):
    # Your custom logic goes here...
    # Send a response back to the user
    await cl.Message(
        content=f"Received: {message.content}",

TheĀ mainĀ function will be called every time a user inputs a message in the chatbot UI. You can put your custom logic within the function to process the userā€™s input, such as analyzing the text, calling an API, or computing a result.

TheĀ MessageĀ class is responsible for sending a reply back to the user. In this example, we simply send a message containing the userā€™s input.

  1. Run Application Locally: To start your Chainlit app, open a terminal and navigate to the directory containingĀ Then run the following command:
chainlit run -w

TheĀ -wĀ flag tells Chainlit to enable auto-reloading, so you donā€™t need to restart the server every time you make changes to your application. Your chatbot UI should now be accessible atĀ http://localhost:8000.


Note created on 2024-04-04 and last modified on 2024-04-04.

LIST FROM [[Tool - Python Chainlit]] AND -"CHANGELOG" AND -"04-RESOURCES/Tools/Tool - Python Chainlit"

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