export default { /** A list of glob patterns to define the files to include in the package */ includeFiles: [ // Theme lib 'lib/theme/**/*.(js|jsx|ts|tsx)', 'lib/styled*', 'lib/date-utils*', // Avatar 'components/Avatar*', // Typography 'components/Text..*', // Toasts 'components/Toast*', // Layout 'components/Grid..*', 'components/Container', // Misc helpers 'components/Currency.*', // Filters 'components/filters/*', // Loading 'components/Loading*', // Styled components 'components/StyledAmountPicker.*', 'components/StyledButtonSet.*', 'components/StyledButton.*', 'components/StyledCard.*', 'components/StyledCarousel.*', 'components/StyledCheckbox.*', // 'components/StyledCollectiveCard.*', // Depends on Link 'components/StyledDropdown.*', // 'components/StyledDropzone.*', // Not included as it contains API calls. Should be separated in two components, a "dumb" one and a "plugged" one 'components/StyledFilters.*', 'components/StyledHr.*', 'components/StyledInputAmount.*', 'components/StyledInputField.*', // 'components/StyledInputFormikField.*', // To enable, add formik to peerDependencies 'components/StyledInputGroup.*', 'components/StyledInputLocation.*', 'components/StyledInputMask.*', 'components/StyledInputPercentage.*', 'components/StyledInputSlider.*', 'components/EditTags.*', 'components/StyledInput.*', 'components/StyledKeyframes.*', 'components/StyledLinkButton.*', 'components/StyledLink.*', // 'components/StyledMembershipCard.*', // Contains a reference to StyledCollectiveCard, and thus to Link // 'components/StyledModal.*', // Contains a reference to Router for `warnIfUnsavedChanges` 'components/StyledMultiEmailInput.*', 'components/StyledProgressBar.*', 'components/StyledRadioList.*', 'components/StyledRoundButton.*', 'components/StyledSelectCreatable.*', 'components/StyledSelectFilter.*', 'components/StyledSelect.*', 'components/StyledSpinner.*', 'components/StyledTag.*', 'components/StyledTextarea.*', 'components/StyledTooltip.*', ], /** Will be marked as peerDependencies. Remember to update scripts/publish-components/static/README.md. */ peerDependencies: ['react', 'react-dom', 'styled-components'],};
import readline from 'readline';import { pickBy } from 'lodash';/** * A wrapper around `pickBy` that allows to pass a list of either: * - strings: the keys to pick * - regexes: the keys to pick if they match the regex */export const pickByPatterns = (object, patterns) => { return pickBy(object, (_, name) => { return patterns.some(pattern => { if (typeof pattern === 'string') { return name === pattern; } else { return pattern.test(name); } }); });};export const confirm = question => { const rl = readline.createInterface({ input: process.stdin, output: process.stdout }); return new Promise(resolve => { rl.question(`${question}\n> `, input => { if (['y', 'yes', 'sure', 'ok'].includes(input.toLowerCase())) { resolve(true); } else { rl.close(); resolve(false); } }); });};
/* eslint-disable no-process-exit *//* eslint-disable no-console */import { execSync } from 'child_process';import fs from 'fs';import path from 'path';import RollupPluginBabel from '@rollup/plugin-babel';import RollupPluginCommonJS from '@rollup/plugin-commonjs';import RollupPluginImages from '@rollup/plugin-image';import RollupPluginJSON from '@rollup/plugin-json';import RollupPluginTypescript from '@rollup/plugin-typescript';import { Command } from 'commander';import fsExtra from 'fs-extra';import { glob } from 'glob';import { flatten, omit, pick } from 'lodash';import { rollup } from 'rollup';import config from './config';import { confirm, pickByPatterns } from './helpers';// Define program optionsconst program = new Command() .description('Helper publish Frontend components to the NPM registry') .argument('[version]', 'Version number to publish') .option('--build-only', 'If set, the package will be build but not published') .parse();// Load some contentconst options = program.opts();const tmpDir = path.join(__dirname, '.tmp');const staticFilesDir = path.join(__dirname, 'static');const projectRoot = path.join(__dirname, '../..');const projectNodeModules = path.join(projectRoot, 'node_modules');const basePackageJSON = require(path.join(projectRoot, 'package.json'));const extensions = ['.js', '.jsx', '.ts', '.tsx'];const main = async () => { // Prepare directory structure fs.rmSync(tmpDir, { recursive: true, force: true }); fs.mkdirSync(tmpDir); // ==== 2. Copy all files to publish ==== console.log('Copying files to tmp folder...'); // Static files glob.sync(`${staticFilesDir}/*`, { dot: true }).forEach(sourcePath => { const targetPath = sourcePath.replace(staticFilesDir, tmpDir); fsExtra.copySync(sourcePath, targetPath); }); // ==== 3. Build ==== console.log('Building...'); const filesToInclude = flatten( config.includeFiles.map(pattern => glob.sync(pattern, { cwd: projectRoot, absolute: true })), ); // Filter external dependencies, and build a map of external dependencies const peerDependencies = pickByPatterns(basePackageJSON.dependencies, config.peerDependencies); const usedDependencies = new Set<string>(); const filterExternal = (dependency, parent) => { if (dependency.startsWith(projectNodeModules) || parent?.startsWith(projectNodeModules)) { const dependencyRelativeParts = dependency.replace(projectNodeModules, '').split(path.sep); const isOrgPackage = dependencyRelativeParts[1][0] === '@'; const dependencyName = isOrgPackage ? dependencyRelativeParts.slice(1, 3).join('/') : dependencyRelativeParts[1]; usedDependencies.add(dependencyName); return true; } else if (dependency[0] !== '/' && dependency[0] !== '.') { const isOrgPackage = dependency[0] === '@'; const dependencyRelativeParts = dependency.split(path.sep); const dependencyName = isOrgPackage ? dependencyRelativeParts.slice(0, 2).join('/') : dependencyRelativeParts[0]; usedDependencies.add(dependencyName); return true; } else { return false; } }; const bundle = await rollup({ watch: { chokidar: { cwd: projectRoot } }, input: filesToInclude, external: filterExternal, plugins: [ // RollupPluginResolve({ extensions }), RollupPluginCommonJS({ include: /node_modules/ }), RollupPluginJSON(), RollupPluginImages(), // Not ideal as images will be base-64 encoded and thus bigger than optimized PNG RollupPluginTypescript({ include: filesToInclude, noForceEmit: true, compilerOptions: { declaration: true, noEmit: false, emitDeclarationOnly: true, declarationDir: tmpDir, outDir: tmpDir, sourceMap: false, allowJs: false, jsx: 'react', }, }), RollupPluginBabel({ extensions, babelHelpers: 'runtime', exclude: 'node_modules/**', }), ], }); // Write files to disk const bundleOutputOptions = { dir: tmpDir, preserveModules: true }; await bundle.write({ ...bundleOutputOptions, format: 'esm' }); await bundle.close(); // ==== 1. Generate `package.json` ==== const version = program.args[0]; console.log('Generating `package.json`...'); const packageJSON = { name: '@opencollective/frontend-components', version: version || 'Unpublished', private: false, repository: basePackageJSON.repository, engines: basePackageJSON.engines, type: 'module', dependencies: omit( pick(basePackageJSON.dependencies, Array.from(usedDependencies).sort()), Object.keys(peerDependencies), ), peerDependencies, devDependencies: peerDependencies, }; // Output package.json const outputFile = path.join(tmpDir, 'package.json'); fs.writeFileSync(outputFile, JSON.stringify(packageJSON, null, 2)); // ==== 4. Publish ==== if (!options['buildOnly']) { if (!version) { throw new Error('You must specify a version number to publish the components'); } // Dry run execSync(`npm publish ${tmpDir} --access public --dry-run`, { stdio: 'inherit' }); // Actually publish if (await confirm('You are about to publish the components listed above. Are you sure you want to continue?')) { execSync(`npm publish ${tmpDir} --access public`, { stdio: 'inherit' }); } }};main() .then(() => { if (!options['buildOnly']) { fs.rmSync(tmpDir, { recursive: true, force: true }); } process.exit(0); }) .catch(e => { console.error(e); fs.rmSync(tmpDir, { recursive: true, force: true }); process.exit(1); });