GTD Weekly Review Checklist

title: Contents 
style: nestedList # TOC style (nestedList|inlineFirstLevel)
minLevel: 1 # Include headings from the specified level
maxLevel: 4 # Include headings up to the specified level
includeLinks: true # Make headings clickable
debugInConsole: false # Print debug info in Obsidian console



  • **
  1. Get Clear:
  2. Get Current:
  3. Get Creative:
  4. Review:
  5. Plan:


graph LR


Get Clear

  • List all known inboxes
  • Process inboxes one-by-one
    • Physicals:
      • Physical In Tray
      • Mail
      • Workspace
    • Emails:
      • Personal Emails
      • Work Emails
    • Communications:
      • Slack
      • Teams
      • Google Meet/Chat
    • Phone:
      • Texts
      • Calls
      • Apple Notes
      • iOS Reminders
      • iOS Apps
    • Todoist:
      • Personal Todoist
      • Work Todoist
    • GitHub:
      • Personal GitHub
      • Work Github
    • Links:
      • OneTab
      • Raindrop
      • Bookmarks
    • Highlights:
      • Readwise
      • Omnivore
      • Raindrop
      • Hypothesis
      • Matter
      • Fleeting Notes
      • Instapaper
      • Markdownload
    • Audio:
      • Podcasts
      • Memos
    • Calendar:
      • Work Calendar
      • Personal Calendar
    • Cloud Storage:
      • Personal Google Drive
      • Work Google Drive
      • Personal OneDrive
      • Work OneDrive
    • Documents:
      • Documents Folder
      • Zotero
      • Obsidian Attachments
      • Cloud Inboxes
      • Todoist Attachments
      • Email Attachments
      • Meetings / Agenda Documents
    • Computer:
      • Downloads
      • Desktop
      • Inbox
      • DevDrive
      • External Drives
      • Dotfiles


  • Physical Inboxes
    • Mail
    • Notes
    • Notebooks
    • Sticky Notes
    • Surroundings
    • Workspace
    • Hardware
  • Phone Inboxes
    • Texts
    • Calls
    • Apple Notes
    • iOS Notifications
    • iOS Apps Lists
  • Email Inboxes
    • Personal Email Inbox
    • Work Email Inbox
    • Other Email Inbox
  • Cloud Storage Inboxes
    • Personal Google Drive
    • Work Google Drive
    • Personal OneDrive
    • Work OneDrive
  • PKM Inboxes
    • Obsidian Markdown Notes
    • Readwise Highlights
    • Online Article Links
    • OneTab Saved Links
    • Browser Bookmark Links:
      • Edge (Personal)
      • Chrome (Work)
      • Chrome (Personal)
  • Computer
    • Downloads Folder
    • Desktop
    • Custom “Inbox” Folder
    • Dotfiles, Configuration Files, AppData, PowerShell, etc.
    • Installed Software
    • Updates
    • External Drives
  • Car
  • Other

Get Current

  • Next Actions
  • [ ]



Note created on 2024-04-15 and last modified on 2024-04-15.

LIST FROM [[Checklist - GTD Weekly Review]] AND -"CHANGELOG" AND -"04-RESOURCES/Checklists/Checklist - GTD Weekly Review"

(c) No Clocks, LLC | 2024