Joe Delegation and Training Agenda

Agenda Metadata:

  • Date:: 2024-04-09
  • Organizer:: “Jimmy Briggs”
  • Description:: “Agenda Note for Meeting held on 2024-04-09 for Joe delegation and training.”



This agenda has two primary goals:

  1. Decide on and plan out administrative tasks for Joe to work on.
  2. Plan and Create a Training System.



This meeting used Slack Huddles as the communication medium.



  • Delegation
  • Training



Assigning meaningful administrative tasks to your intern can be a great way to integrate them into your startup’s culture and processes, while also providing them with a comprehensive understanding of how your company operates. This will not only help them gain valuable work experience but also ensure their contributions are beneficial to your company. Here are some recommendations for admin type work you can assign to your intern:

1. Account and Tool Audit

  • Review Company Accounts: Have the intern review all company accounts for any software or tools being used. This includes checking for any unused subscriptions that can be canceled to save costs, and identifying duplicate tools that serve the same purpose.
  • Software License Management: Ensure all software licenses are up to date and check if any licenses can be optimized (e.g., switching to plans that better fit your current usage).

2. Organizing Systems

  • Document Organization: Organize digital files, ensuring everything is correctly named and stored in appropriate folders. This can include sorting through Google Drive, Dropbox, or any other cloud storage service you use.
  • Inventory Management: If your startup has physical assets (like computers, monitors, etc.), the intern could work on creating or updating an inventory list.

3. Process Documentation

  • Creating or Updating SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures): If your startup does not already have SOPs for common tasks or processes, the intern can help create them. If they exist but are outdated, the intern can work on updating them with the latest information.

4. Research Tasks

  • Market Research: Assign them to research new trends in your industry, potential competitors, or explore new markets your startup could enter.
  • Tool and Resource Research: They could research new tools or resources that could improve efficiency or workflow within the company.

5. Customer Support and Engagement

  • Managing Customer Inquiries: If applicable, they can help manage customer support tickets or inquiries. This helps them understand the customer’s perspective and the common issues they face.
  • Social Media Management: Drafting posts, scheduling content, or even just organizing a content calendar can be a helpful task if your startup is active on social media.

6. Feedback Collection

  • Internal Feedback: They can organize surveys or feedback sessions for internal processes or team satisfaction. This can help identify areas for improvement within the team or company culture.
  • Product Feedback: If your startup has a product or service already in the market, collecting and organizing customer feedback can be invaluable.

7. Event Planning

  • Team Meetings and Events: They could take charge of organizing regular team meetings or any special events your startup might be planning. This includes logistics, agendas, and ensuring all necessary materials are prepared.

8. Learning and Development

  • Training Coordination: Coordinate or research training programs, workshops, or courses that could benefit the team. This could also include setting up a schedule for the intern’s own tech training.

Assigning these tasks not only provides your intern with a broad overview of the administrative and operational aspects of running a startup but also directly contributes to the efficiency and organization of your company. Make sure to provide clear instructions and the necessary resources for each task, and check in regularly to offer guidance and feedback.

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