Obsidian Vault Templates



style: nestedList
maxLevel: 10
includeLinks: true
debugInConsole: false



Description of note contents.

Types of Templates

  • Temporal:

    • Daily:
      • Daily Preview
      • Daily Review
      • Daily Log
    • Weekly:
      • Weekly Preview
      • Weekly Review
      • Weekly Log
    • Quarterly:
      • Quarterly Preview
      • Quarterly Review
      • Quarterly Log
    • Annual:
      • Annual Preview
      • Annual Review
      • Annual Log
  • Lists:

    • Generic List
    • Task List
    • Checklist
    • Resource List
    • Master Resource List
    • Waiting For List
    • Someday Maybe List
    • Active Projects List
    • Active Areas List
    • Active Goals List
    • Ideas List
    • Learning List
    • Shopping Lists
    • Packing Lists
    • Tools Lists
    • Code Snippets Lists
    • Online Tools Lists
  • Projects:

    • Project Home (Dashboard)
    • Project Support
    • ADRs
    • Roadmap (Project Plan)
    • Changelog
    • Milestones
    • Backlog (Issues)
    • Team
    • Resources
    • Reference
    • Agendas
  • Learning:

    • Online Course
    • Certificate
    • Transcript
  • Sources (Types):

    • Book
    • Online Article
    • Blog Post
    • Feed
    • Newsletter
    • Recipe
    • GitHub Repository
    • Tool*
    • Application

Note created on 2023-12-12 and last modified on 2023-12-12.

Internal Linked Notes

External References

list from [[Obsidian Vault Templates]] AND -"CHANGELOG" AND -"03-AREAS/Meta/Obsidian Vault Templates"

Jimmy Briggs jimmy.briggs@jimbrig.com | 2023