Frontend Development Checklist

title: Contents 
style: nestedList # TOC style (nestedList|inlineFirstLevel)
minLevel: 1 # Include headings from the specified level
maxLevel: 4 # Include headings up to the specified level
includeLinks: true # Make headings clickable
debugInConsole: false # Print debug info in Obsidian console



  • **


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General Performance

  • HTTP/2 is used
  • CDN is used for static assets and content pages
  • Cookie-less domain is used for static assets
  • DNS prefetching is used:
    • <link rel="preload" as="script"> (CSS, JS and Fonts)
    • <link rel="dns-prefetch"> (Domain)

Resources Performance

  • JavaScript combined into one file
  • JavaScript minified
  • JavaScript Compressed
  • No Inline JavaScript
  • CSS combined into one file
  • CSS minified
  • CSS compressed
  • No @import in CSS
  • No Inline CSS
  • HTML minified
Static Files
  • Static Files are compressed (gzip, brotli)
  • Static Files are pre-compressed on the server
  • Proper Image File Formats:

    • SVG for simple images
    • PNG for images with transparency
    • JPEG for images without transparency
    • WebP for modern browsers
  • Image Optimization:

    • Image Compression
    • Image Resizing
    • Image Lazy Loading
    • Image CDN
    • ImageOptim
  • Use of Responsive Images:

    • srcset attribute
    • sizes attribute
    • picture element
  • Images are cached in the browser

  • SVG Sprites are used

  • SVG Minification

  • Fonts are preloaded
  • Only necessary fonts are used/loaded
  • Fonts are cached in the browser


  • Browser caching is used effectively
  • ETags are not used
  • Expires headers are used:
    • cache-control header
    • max-age directive


  • Critical CSS is used
  • Asynchronous or deferred loading of non-critical resources
  • Tracking scripts are loaded asynchronously


  • Intrinsic image sizes and dimensions are specified in markup
  • CSS loaded in document <head>
  • Scripts loaded at the end of the document
  • Scripts loaded with defer attribute
  • Scripts are loaded in the document head after styles are loaded
  • Scrolling is possible with 60fps
  • No usage of document.write
  • CSS Animation causing layout(reflow) is not heavily used

Device Performance

  • Application is tested on low-end devices
  • Application is tested on slow networks
  • Application is tested on slow CPUs
  • Application is tested on slow GPUs
  • Application is tested on slow RAM


  • Application is tested on all major browsers

    • Chrome
    • Firefox
    • Safari
    • Edge
  • Application is tested on all major devices

    • Desktop
    • Tablet
    • Mobile
  • Viewport meta tag is used


  • Application Pages can be indexed by search engines
  • Responsive Mobile Version is available
  • Sitemap is available
  • Structured Data is used where possible
  • Headlines are used properly
  • Headlines are in proper order
  • Meta Descriptions are used
  • Meta Keywords are used
  • Meta Title is filled
  • Favicon is used
  • Keywords used in Headlines
  • Images have alt attributes
  • Links have title attributes
  • Links in navigation do not use title attribute
  • No Duplicate Content
  • Canonical (absolute) URLs are used
  • Internal links point to HTTPS version of page
  • 301 Redirects are used
  • No 404 Errors
  • No 500 Errors
  • Canonical Tags are used if applicable
  • Ratio of code and content is around 25% to 75%
  • Application is crawlable by search engines


  • Color Contrast is good (WCAG 2.0)
  • WAI-ARIA roles are used
  • Usage of accessible HTML elements like nav, footer, aside
  • URLs are human-readable
  • Keyboard accessible navigation
  • Correct input types are used
  • Form labels are used


  • HTTPS on all pages
  • No Mixed Content
  • External Plugins and Tracking Get Loaded via HTTPS
  • Robots.txt is used
  • Cross-Site-Scripting (XSS) is avoided
  • HSTS Header is set
  • Content Security Policy is used and only allows specific hosts and no inline scripts
  • No JavaScript in URLs
  • No Flash
  • No iFrames
  • Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) is used
  • Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) is avoided
  • SQL Injection is avoided through prepared statements and/or parameterized queries
  • CSRF Tokens are used
  • Secure Cookies are used
  • No sensitive data is stored in local storage, session storage, or cookies


  • Server is using HTTP/2
  • Correct Language set by server
  • Correct content types set by server


  • Strict usage of domain with or without www
  • Correct language is used in lang attribute
  • Charset is defined
  • HTML5 Doctype is used
  • No meta tags are used for caching
  • 404-Page is available
  • Special Print Stylesheet is used


Note created on 2024-04-01 and last modified on 2024-04-01.

LIST FROM [[Checklist - Frontend Development]] AND -"CHANGELOG" AND -"03-AREAS/Business/Checklists/Checklist - Frontend Development"

(c) No Clocks, LLC | 2024