Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Demo Data Model

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This note demonstrates a basic Customer Relationship Management (CRM) data model schema in SQL.


  1. Accounts:
    • id (INT, PRIMARY KEY): Unique identifier for the account
    • name (VARCHAR(255)): Name of the account (company, organization)
    • website (VARCHAR(255)): Website URL of the account
    • industry (VARCHAR(50)): Industry the account belongs to (optional)
    • phone (VARCHAR(20)): Phone number of the account (optional)
  2. Contacts:
    • id (INT, PRIMARY KEY): Unique identifier for the contact
    • account_id (INT, FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES Accounts(id)): Foreign key referencing account table
    • first_name (VARCHAR(50)): First name of the contact
    • last_name (VARCHAR(50)): Last name of the contact
    • email (VARCHAR(255)): Email address of the contact
    • title (VARCHAR(100)): Job title of the contact (optional)
    • phone (VARCHAR(20)): Phone number of the contact (optional)
  3. Opportunities:
    • id (INT, PRIMARY KEY): Unique identifier for the opportunity
    • account_id (INT, FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES Accounts(id)): Foreign key referencing account table
    • name (VARCHAR(255)): Name of the opportunity (sales deal)
    • value (DECIMAL(10,2)): Estimated value of the opportunity (optional)
    • stage (VARCHAR(50)): Stage of the opportunity (e.g., qualification, proposal, negotiation)
    • close_date (DATE): Expected close date of the opportunity (optional)
  4. Activities:
    • id (INT, PRIMARY KEY): Unique identifier for the activity
    • contact_id (INT, FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES Contacts(id)): Foreign key referencing contact table (optional)
    • account_id (INT, FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES Accounts(id)): Foreign key referencing account table (optional)
    • subject (VARCHAR(255)): Subject of the activity (e.g., meeting, call, email)
    • description (TEXT): Description of the activity (optional)
    • due_date (DATE): Due date of the activity (optional)
    • completed (BOOLEAN): Flag indicating completion status of the activity


  • A one-to-many relationship exists between Accounts and Contacts. One account can have many contacts, but a contact belongs to only one account.
  • A one-to-many relationship exists between Accounts and Opportunities. One account can have many opportunities, but an opportunity belongs to only one account.
  • Activities can be linked to either a Contact or an Account (or neither). This allows for flexibility in tracking interactions.

Additional Considerations

  • You can add more tables to capture specific needs, such as Products, Campaigns, or Cases (support tickets).
  • Include relevant data types (e.g., DATE, DECIMAL) for accurate data storage.
  • Consider adding appropriate indexes on frequently used columns for performance optimization.

This is a basic schema, and you can customize it further depending on your specific CRM requirements.

-- Create the Accounts table to store information about companies or organizations
  name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
  website VARCHAR(255),
  industry VARCHAR(50),
  phone VARCHAR(20)
-- Comments for the Accounts table and its columns
COMMENT ON TABLE Accounts IS 'Stores information about companies or organizations';
COMMENT ON COLUMN IS 'Unique identifier for the account';
COMMENT ON COLUMN IS 'Name of the account (company, organization)';
COMMENT ON COLUMN IS 'Website URL of the account (optional)';
COMMENT ON COLUMN Accounts.industry IS 'Industry the account belongs to (optional)';
COMMENT ON COLUMN IS 'Phone number of the account (optional)';
-- Create the Contacts table to store information about individual people at accounts
  account_id INT NOT NULL,
  first_name VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,
  last_name VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,
  email VARCHAR(255),
  title VARCHAR(100),
  phone VARCHAR(20),
  FOREIGN KEY (account_id) REFERENCES Accounts(id)
-- Comments for the Contacts table and its columns (add similar comments for Opportunities and Activities)
COMMENT ON TABLE Contacts IS 'Stores information about individual people at accounts';
COMMENT ON COLUMN IS 'Unique identifier for the contact';
COMMENT ON COLUMN Contacts.account_id IS 'Foreign key referencing account table (mandatory)';
COMMENT ON COLUMN Contacts.first_name IS 'First name of the contact';
COMMENT ON COLUMN Contacts.last_name IS 'Last name of the contact';
COMMENT ON COLUMN IS 'Email address of the contact (optional)';
COMMENT ON COLUMN Contacts.title IS 'Job title of the contact (optional)';
COMMENT ON COLUMN IS 'Phone number of the contact (optional)';
-- Create the Opportunities table to store information about potential sales deals
CREATE TABLE Opportunities (
  account_id INT NOT NULL,
  name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
  value DECIMAL(10,2),
  stage VARCHAR(50),
  close_date DATE,
  FOREIGN KEY (account_id) REFERENCES Accounts(id)  -- Enforces relationship between Opportunities and Accounts tables
COMMENT ON TABLE Opportunities IS 'Stores information about potential sales deals';
COMMENT ON COLUMN IS 'Unique identifier for the opportunity';
COMMENT ON COLUMN Opportunities.account_id IS 'Foreign key referencing account table (mandatory)';
COMMENT ON COLUMN IS 'Name of the opportunity (sales deal)';
COMMENT ON COLUMN Opportunities.value IS 'Estimated value of the opportunity (optional)';
COMMENT ON COLUMN Opportunities.stage IS 'Stage of the opportunity (e.g., qualification, proposal, negotiation)';
COMMENT ON COLUMN Opportunities.close_date IS 'Expected close date of the opportunity (optional)';
-- Create the Activities table to track interactions with contacts or accounts
CREATE TABLE Activities (
  contact_id INT ,
  account_id INT ,
  subject VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL ,
  description TEXT ,
  due_date DATE ,
  completed BOOLEAN ,
  FOREIGN KEY (contact_id) REFERENCES Contacts(id),  -- Optional foreign key relationship with Contacts table
  FOREIGN KEY (account_id) REFERENCES Accounts(id)   -- Optional foreign key relationship with Accounts table
COMMENT ON TABLE Activities IS 'Tracks interactions with contacts or accounts';
COMMENT ON COLUMN IS 'Unique identifier for the activity';
COMMENT ON COLUMN Activities.contact_id IS 'Foreign key referencing contact table (optional)';
COMMENT ON COLUMN Activities.account_id IS 'Foreign key referencing account table (optional)';
COMMENT ON COLUMN Activities.subject IS 'Subject of the activity (e.g., meeting, call, email)';
COMMENT ON COLUMN Activities.description IS 'Description of the activity (optional)';
COMMENT ON COLUMN Activities.due_date IS 'Due date of the activity (optional)';
COMMENT ON COLUMN Activities.completed IS 'Flag indicating completion status of the activity';


Note created on 2024-03-28 and last modified on 2024-03-28.

LIST FROM [[CRM Data Model]] AND -"CHANGELOG" AND -"00-INBOX/CRM Data Model"

(c) No Clocks, LLC | 2024