Create Self-Signed Development Certificate PowerShell Code

title: Contents 
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Code Snippet

The script below creates a new self-signed, development certificate, exports it to a local .cer file, and demonstrates how to sign a script or Dynamic Link Library (DLL):

#Requires -RunAsAdministrator
# Declare Certificate Name
$CertName = "DevtCert"
# Specify Splat Params
$Params = @{
  Subject = "CN=$CertName"
  CertStoreLocation = "Cert:\CurrentUser\My"
  KeyExportPolicy = Exportable
  KeySpec = Signature
  KeyLength = 2048
  KeyAlgorithm = RSA
  HashAlgorithm = SHA256
  Type = CodeSigningCert
# Create the Certificate
$Cert = New-SelfSignedCertificate @Params
# Export Certificate to Local File Path
Export-Certificate -Cert $Cert -FilePath ".\$CertName.cer"
# Sign a Script
Set-AuthenticodeSignature -FilePath "path/to/script.ps1" -Certificate $Cert
# Sign a DLL
Set-AuthenticodeSignature -FilePath "path/to/library.dll" -Certificate $cert

To import the certificate to the Trusted Root Certification Authority:

certutil -addstore "Root" ".\$CertName.cer"



This note is about …

See Also


Note created on 2024-04-13 and last modified on 2024-04-13.

LIST FROM [[PowerShell - Create Self-Signed Development Certificate]] AND -"CHANGELOG" AND -"04-RESOURCES/Code/PowerShell/PowerShell - Create Self-Signed Development Certificate"

(c) No Clocks, LLC | 2024