Internet Security Research Group (ISRG)
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Mission: Our mission is to reduce financial, technological, and educational barriers to secure communication over the Internet.
History: ISRG was founded in May of 2013 to serve as a home for public-benefit digital infrastructure projects, the first of which was the Let’s Encrypt certificate authority. ISRG’s founding directors were Josh Aas and Eric Rescorla. The group’s founding sponsors and partners were Mozilla, the Electronic Frontier Foundation, the University of Michigan, Cisco, and Akamai. In 2021, ISRG launched two new digital security projects: Prossimo, a memory safety project, and Divvi Up, a privacy-preserving metrics system.
Structure: ISRG is a California public benefit corporation, and is recognized by the IRS as a tax-exempt organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Our EIN is 46-3344200.
To learn more about ISRG and the history of Let’s Encrypt, please check out Let’s Encrypt, An Automated Certificate Authority to Encrypt the Entire Web, which was published for the ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS) in 2019.