title: ## Contents 
style: nestedList # TOC style (nestedList|inlineFirstLevel)
minLevel: 1 # Include headings from the specified level
maxLevel: 4 # Include headings up to the specified level
includeLinks: true # Make headings clickable
debugInConsole: false # Print debug info in Obsidian console



  • **

GPT for Google Docs AI, Sheets, Gmail, Slides, Forms

Boost your efficiency 10x with our Add-Ons. One-click email writing, document, course, essay, book generation, SEO article creation, GPT for Sheets. All seamlessly integrated with AI ChatGPT, Claude, Gemini in Google Workspace

GPT for Google Docs AI

  • One click AI writing: book, essay, course, paragraph
  • Multi-language: 100+ languages and dialects
  • Writing tones: 10+ tones - professional, friendly, etc…
  • SEO: generation SEO optimized full article 1000+ words with your keywords
  • Works right out of the box: install it and begin delivering immediately
  • Affordable Unlimited plans: Crafted by a solo entrepreneur, with no additional expenses, which is why we can offer lower prices
  • Works with GPT-3.5 Turbo, GPT-4, GPT-4 Turbo, Claude, Gemini, Mistral


Note created on 2024-04-30 and last modified on 2024-04-30.

LIST FROM [[Tool -]] AND -"CHANGELOG" AND -"04-RESOURCES/Tools/Tool -"

(c) No Clocks, LLC | 2024