Design System Checklist

title: ## Contents 
style: nestedList # TOC style (nestedList|inlineFirstLevel)
minLevel: 1 # Include headings from the specified level
maxLevel: 4 # Include headings up to the specified level
includeLinks: true # Make headings clickable
debugInConsole: false # Print debug info in Obsidian console




graph LR


Visual Guidelines

Color Scheme

  • Define Primary Colors
  • Define Secondary Colors
  • Ensure Color Contrast For Accessibility
  • Provide Color Usage Guidelines


  • Select Typefaces and Font Sizes
  • Define Line Heights and Spacing
  • Create Text Style Guidelines


  • Design or choose Consistent Icons
  • Provide Guidelines for Icon Usage
  • Ensure Scalability of Icons

Component Library

Basic Elements

Core Shared Components:

  • Buttons:
  • Links:
  • Inputs:

State Management:

  • Define States

    • Hover
    • Click
    • Disabled
  • Ensure Responsiveness Across Devices

Complex (Composite) Components

  • Design Dropdowns
  • Design Modals
  • Design Page Layouts
  • Design Tabs
  • Provide Usage and Interaction Guidelines
  • Include Variations for Different Contexts

Grid and Layout

  • Define Grid System and Breakpoints
  • Create Layout Templates and Patterns
  • Ensure Adaptability Across Screens

Documentation and Usage

Component Documentation

  • Provide Detailed Descriptions for All Components
  • Include Examples and Use Cases
  • Keep Documentation up-to-date

Design Principles

  • Outline the design philosophy and principles
  • Provide real-world examples
  • Foster a shared understanding among the team


  • Facilitate design and development collaboration
  • Maintain version control and history
  • Encourage feedback and contribution

Analytics and Maintenance

Performance Metrics

  • Monitor load times and efficiency
  • Analyze user interaction with components
  • Optimize based on findings

Testing and Quality Assurance

  • Conduct regular usability tests
  • Implement automated testing for components
  • Address issues and bugs promptly

Continuous Improvement

  • Regularly review the design system
  • Update components and guidelines as needed
  • Encourage ongoing learning and growth

UX/UI Practices

Design and Layout

  • Choose consistent color scheme
    • Use primary color
    • Use secondary colors for accents
    • Choose background color
  • Select Appropriate Fonts
    • Choose Primary Font
    • Choose Font for Headings
    • Specify Font Sizes for Various Elements
  • Design Responsive Layout
    • Optimize for Desktop
    • Optimize for Tablet
    • Optimize for Mobile
  • Create Visual Hierarchy
    • Prioritize Important Elements
    • Use Contrast and Whitespace Effectively
  • Design clear and intuitive navigation
    • Determine primary navigation items
    • Determine secondary navigation items
    • Use clear and descriptive labels
  • Create a user flow diagram
    • Identify key user tasks
    • Determine the sequence of steps for each task
    • Ensure smooth transitions between steps
  • Implement breadcrumbs for easy navigation
    • Show the current page in the breadcrumb
    • Allow users to navigate back to previous pages

Accessibility and Usability

  • Ensure accessibility for all users
    • Use appropriate alt text for images
    • Use proper markup for headings and lists
    • Test with screen readers
  • Optimize for usability
    • Use clear and concise language
    • Use familiar patterns and conventions
    • Provide helpful error messages and guidance
    • Test with real users

User Testing and Iteration

  • Conduct user testing sessions
    • Prepare a list of tasks for users to complete
    • Observe users as they interact with the interface
    • Take notes on any issues or pain points
  • Analyze user testing results
    • Identify common issues and trends
    • Prioritize issues based on severity and impact
  • Iterate on the design based on feedback
    • Make necessary changes to address issues
    • Conduct additional testing to validate improvements
  • Repeat the process until desired results are achieved



Note created on 2024-05-01 and last modified on 2024-05-01.

LIST FROM [[Checklist - Design System]] AND -"CHANGELOG" AND -"04-RESOURCES/Lists/Checklists/Checklist - Design System"

(c) No Clocks, LLC | 2024