Obsidian Vault Setup Guide


This note describes my personal, opinionated workflow for automating and initializing a new Obsidian Vault.




  • Create Vault Root Folder
  • Open Vault Folder in Obsidian (initializes .obsidian configuration folder) and VSCode for editing
  • Initialize Git and Remote GitHub Repository: git init > gh repo create
  • Initialize Default Configuration Files:
    • .gitignore
    • .gitattributes
    • .editorconfig
    • README.md
    • CHANGELOG.md
    • LICENSE.md
    • .export-ignore
  • Create initial folder structure:
    • 00-INBOX
    • 01-SLIPBOX
    • 02-PROJECTS
    • 03-AREAS
    • 04-RESOURCES
    • 99-ARCHIVES
  • Create required Templates and Daily Folders:
    • 03-AREAS/Daily
    • 04-RESOURCES/Templates
  • Add _README.mds to all folders and populate content.
  • Adjust Base Settings/Configurations and Base (Core) Plugins:
  • Add Community Plugins
  • Adjust Theme, Fonts, Styling and CSS Snippets
  • Create HOME, README, ABOUT, FAQ, etc.
  • Create a src or srcjs root folder for housing JavaScript scripts to utilize with Dataview, CustomJS, or Templater.
  • Create other significant folders and files:
    • Active Projects List should be in 02-PROJECTS/_README or 02-PROJECTS/Active Projects List, etc.
    • Add notes/folders for each current project
    • For Areas, create:
      • Code
      • Daily
      • MOCs
      • Tools
      • etc.
    • For Resources create:
      • Assets
      • Canvas
      • Lists
      • People
      • Sources
      • Templates