Issue Title


Any score information, such as priority, severity, magnitude, category.

Chief Complaint (CC)

Summarize the problem as reported by the affected person.

Participants (Pt)

Who is involved, such as the discoverer of the issue, affected users, employees, partners, specific people, who to inform about the progress, etc.

Symptoms (Sx)

What is going wrong on the surface, such as the users’ perspectives, or triggers, or alerts, etc.

Fractures (Fx)

What’s broken, such as a failed part, or crashed application, or stuck process, etc.

History (Hx)

Relevant background information, such as prior similar issues, or reports, or references, etc.

Investigations (Ix)

What we’re doing to research the issue, such as the steps we’re taking, or tests we’re trying, etc.

Diagnosis (Dx)

What is going wrong under the surface, such as any root causes, or cascading causes, etc.

Treatments (Tx)

What we’re doing to make it better, such as action items, to do lists, mitigations, etc.

Prognosis (Px)

What is the prediction, such as a forecast, potential outcomes, changes in effects, etc.