Find and Update PSModules PowerShell Code
title: ## Contents
style: nestedList # TOC style (nestedList|inlineFirstLevel)
minLevel: 1 # Include headings from the specified level
maxLevel: 4 # Include headings up to the specified level
includeLinks: true # Make headings clickable
debugInConsole: false # Print debug info in Obsidian console
Code Snippet
# Parameter for filtering modules for specific pattern, e.g. *Graph*
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)][string]$NameFilter = '*'
#Retrieve all installed modules
Write-Host ("Retrieving installed PowerShell modules") -ForegroundColor Green
[array]$InstalledModules = Get-InstalledModule -Name $NameFilter -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
#Retrieve current versions of modules (63 at a time because of PSGallery limit) if $InstalledModules is greater than 0
if ($InstalledModules.Count -eq 1) {
$onlineversions = $null
Write-Host ("Checking online versions for installed module {0}" -f $name) -ForegroundColor Green
$currentversions = Find-Module -Name $
$onlineversions = $onlineversions + $currentversions
if ($InstalledModules.Count -gt 1) {
$startnumber = 0
$endnumber = 62
$onlineversions = $null
while ($InstalledModules.Count -gt $onlineversions.Count) {
Write-Host ("Checking online versions for installed modules [{0}..{1}/{2}]" -f $startnumber, $endnumber, $InstalledModules.Count) -ForegroundColor Green
$currentversions = Find-Module -Name $[$startnumber..$endnumber]
$startnumber = $startnumber + 63
$endnumber = $endnumber + 63
$onlineversions = $onlineversions + $currentversions
if (-not $onlineversions) {
Write-Warning ("No modules were found to check for updates, please check your NameFilter. Exiting...")
#Loop through all modules and check for newer versions and add those to $total
$number = 1
Write-Host ("Checking for updated versions") -ForegroundColor Green
$total = foreach ($module in $InstalledModules) {
Write-Progress ("[{0}/{1} Checking module {2}" -f $number, $InstalledModules.count, $
try {
$PsgalleryModule = $onlineversions | Where-Object name -eq $module.Name
if ([version]$module.version -lt [version]$PsgalleryModule.version) {
Repository = $module.Repository
'Module name' = $module.Name
'Installed version' = $module.Version
'Latest version' = $PsgalleryModule.version
'Published on' = $PsgalleryModule.PublishedDate
catch {
Write-Warning ("Could not find module {0}" -f $module.Name)
#Output $total to display updates for installed modules if any
if ($total.Count -gt 0) {
Write-Host ("Found {0} updated modules" -f $total.Count) -ForegroundColor Green
$total | Format-Table -AutoSize
else {
Write-Host ("No updated modules were found")
This PowerShell script is designed to check for updates to installed PowerShell modules. It starts by defining a parameter $NameFilter
that can be used to filter the modules based on a specific pattern. If no pattern is provided, it defaults to *
, which means all modules.
The script then retrieves all installed modules that match the $NameFilter
pattern using the Get-InstalledModule
cmdlet. The -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
parameter is used to suppress errors if a module is not found.
Next, the script checks the count of installed modules. If there’s only one module, it retrieves the online version of that module using the Find-Module
cmdlet and stores it in the $onlineversions
array. If there are more than one modules, it retrieves the online versions of the modules in batches of 63 (due to a limit in PSGallery) and stores them in the $onlineversions
If no online versions are found, the script issues a warning and exits.
The script then loops through each installed module and checks if there’s a newer version available online. It does this by comparing the installed version with the online version. If a newer version is found, it creates a custom PowerShell object with details about the module and adds it to the $total
Finally, the script checks the count of the $total
array. If there are any elements in the array, it means that updates were found. It then outputs the count of updated modules and a table with details about the updates. If no updates were found, it outputs a message saying “No updated modules were found”.
See Also
Note created on 2024-05-08 and last modified on 2024-05-08.
LIST FROM [[PowerShell - Find and Update PSModules]] AND -"CHANGELOG" AND -"04-RESOURCES/Code/PowerShell/PowerShell - Find and Update PSModules"
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